I know the One in whom I put my trust… (2Tm 1:12)

Paul, our Father, you know the One in whom you put your trust…
You handed your life over to Christ.
You are our model of unshakable faith,
of boundless love,
of indefatigable passion for the Gospel.
God seized you on the road to Damascus
and turned your life upside down.
You followed him to the point of martyrdom
because nothing could separate you from his love.
Always straining toward the future,
you travelled the world,
proclaiming the Word that enlightens,
heals, comforts and points out the way.


Give us even a small portion of your faith;
open our eyes,
as Christ opened yours,
to help us understand God’s love for us.
Help us broach
the inexhaustible horizons of the Word,
which permeated your life through the action of the Spirit,
so that we too will come to know Christ,
the Lord and end of history;
so that we might come to understand who we are
and place our lives in his hands.

We yearn to contemplate him,
love him and allow him to live in us–
in our small, personal life stories
as pilgrims here on earth–
so as to learn how to transform our days
and reveal to everyone the Lord of our life.
May the world come to see
that Salvation dwells among us.
May it rediscover the face of Christ
in those who suffer or who seek him without realizing it.
May we all open our arms to welcome him
so as to walk together in the light
and rediscover the paths to peace.

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